Fi Wi Road Internship 2024
In 2024, the Fi Wi Road Internship returns for the fourth year with another exciting opportunity for Black and mixed-Black heritage geography students. Supported by the Royal Geographical Society, the British Society for Geomorphology, and the University of Glasgow we will be supporting a cohort of pre-career researchers (PCRs) in paid part-time internships, from June to September.
Through group sessions, one-to-one mentoring, skills workshops, and hands-on conference administration, the ‘Fi Wi Road’ project will support you in building networks, voice and experience within a discipline in which Black geographers are consistently under-represented, and often brutally marginalised and squeezed out.
This opportunity is open to Black or mixed-Black heritage students who are currently enrolled in a UK university and eligible to work in the UK. Preference will be given to Black pre-career researchers enrolled on undergraduate degrees in Geography or Geoscience departments. We welcome applications from students in Human and Physical Geography and the Geosciences.
Yes! All interns are paid £15/hour. Any travel or accommodation costs are reimbursed.
The internship will run from June until September. Interns are expected to commit ~80 hours over the 4 month period.
This is a hybrid internship. Although some things will be online interns will be expected to attend at least three mandatory in-person activities. As such all interns will need to be based in the UK for the duration of the internship.